Nachiketa - Chal Jabo Toke Niye
Album: Chal Jabo Toke Niye
Artist/ Band: Nachiketa
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Nachiketa: was a son of an ancient Indian sage of the name Vājashravasa. He was taught Self-knowledge, the truth about the human soul, by Lord Yama. "In this context (Vājashravasa) refers to what may be called exoteric religion, the tradition about the sustaining power of the Universe which has been heard and handed down through generations. It is as a symbol of such exoteric religion that the man Vājashravasa speaks and acts." Nachiketa, who was offered to Yama to find a place in Heaven by his father, "is derived from 'na chiketas,' that which is unperceived and refers to the quickening Spirit that lies within all things like fire, latent in wood, the spirit that giveth as opposed to Vājashravsa, the letter which killeth." Nachiketa with his wits learnt the wisdom taught by Yama (the god of Death), found the path of realising Brahman / Moksha i.e. emancipation of the soul from rebirth.
He is also mentioned as one of the sages present in the Sabha (royal assembly) of King Yudhisthira in the Mahabharata, Sabha Parva, Section IV.Category: Bengali Songs